Inkle band on backstrap loom
Inkle band on backstrap loom

AND there is a pictureof some amazing backsrap woven sashes used by the Russian Old Believers community in Oregon-all stuff I have ferreted out since getting here to the US. My blog this week has a little bit about CNCH but is mostly about teachers and about the North American indigenous weaving that I learned when I first got started in weaving.(seeing as I am in the US) I also have a bit about teaching some Ecuadorian weavers the weaves of their ancestors. I am using my fingers as cross posts to form a picking cross as the indigenous weavers often do when they make toe looms but I will have more time to experiment with all of this when I get home.

inkle band on backstrap loom

I am sure the inklette won't stand up to double weave but I have pebble weave going on a larger inkle loom that Janet has lent me. Now don't think for one minute that I am about to give up my beloved backstrap loom.but I went a bit crazy at CNCH and bought an inklette-just so I can give my own response to the question about "can this be done on an inkle loom". Submitted by Kristina (not verified) on Sun, - 16:05

inkle band on backstrap loom

Oh, if you are on dial up or a slow line, get a USB thumb drive, and go to the public libary, and download to your hearts-content on the libraries high-speed internet! Thats what I did before I got high-speed. Years ago I taught myself to make a band using the booklet that came with my loom, and I once took a 34 hour guild class on the subject but never really dug in to learn.


(I did it with 2 rigid heddles, cause my rigid heddle was not fine enough) I’ve been on the edges of truly knowing how to inkle weave for a while. I have woven the 'dancing indian with the funny hairdoo", with no problems. (she is a 'get it done', try- everything weaver, rather than being "rigourously correct", so some of her definitions need to be cross-checked.) The loom is a Ashford SampleIt version 1. Some people like atwater, some don't, take it with a grain of salt. In this video, I show you my new setup for weaving inkle bands on a rigid heddle loom. The shuttle craft monologe by atwatter is almost the same as the inkleweave chapter in "by -ways in weaving"

inkle band on backstrap loom

This is the direct link to the inkle loom pages. This is the Arizona site: a goldmine! use it with care.

Inkle band on backstrap loom